Posted in 5th Grade, All Grades

Comparative Song: 5th Grade 2016-2017 📽🎼🎤

In this link you can listen to The Comparative Song composed by Adrian Timms and the 5th Graders.

Adrian Timms

The Comparative Song – 2017 

The village is colder than the town

Superman is less fat than Batman

Quique is shorter than Borja

But Borja is not bigger than an orca

Adrian is taller, taller than everyone

And If he grows some more…

He won’t fit through the door

Autumn is more beautiful than winter

And spring is less hot than summer

Spain is hotter than the UK

But don’t worry English people

Know it always rains

Guille and Mario talk more than a parrot, but they are less noisy than Xoán

Everest is higher than the Eiffel Tower

Cheetahs are faster, turtles: slower

The sky is bluer than the sea

The sun is hotter than everything

This song is better than the rest

Because we’re learning the comparatives… OH YES!

We are learning the comparatives!

And to make this song shorter than a pin

We’re gonna end it at a higher pace

And yes, Oh yes

It will be harder than before

But it will sound even better

That’s for sure

So are you ready? …. Yes!

Will you fail? … No we won’t fail!

Just wait until we breathe in

More air than a whale

